Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm here! I've come home! lol It feel so good to be back in a place where people care about me and love me for who I am. I've gone to two classes today and I have two more to go. I have University Chorale and English 100. English is my latest class of the day. It doesn't end 'til 6:05 at night! It looks like I'll be heading off to dinner kinda late but that's ok.:o) I saw some of my friends and met new ones. It was about 10:10 or so in the morning and I just finished my Evangelism class with Clyde Billingsley. (such a sweet person!) I know I have a long walk ahead of me so I start out leaving Ericsson. I'm just up the road when someone suddenly pulls over and asks me if I need a ride. That was such a blessing! The guy's name is Mike. He's a sophmore and Biblical Studies is his major. It was so nice of him to give me a ride back to DeMoss Hall. I will definitely keep him in my prayers. We're all college students trying to make it in life and we need to keep each other accountable. I just remembered! I have to head off to University Chorale right now! I'll add more on this blog later. (signing off for now)

Ok, I'm back. I had a good choir practice and good English class. I'll be heading back to my dorm soon to rest a little and get ready to go to dinner. It's great to be in such a wonderful university such as this one. I sure hope I run into my friend Josh soon. I REALLY want to give him his donuts!!!! I went through all the trouble to bring them with me and I wrapped each and every one into a Ziploc bag! He'd better hurry up and get 'em! lol I like him as a great friend but he really has to step on it when I bring him donuts! Ok, I'd better stop before I get ahead of myself. More real hard core stuff will come later. I promise. (signing off now)

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