Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oh what a week:o)

Well, I got one more day of class and then I'll do homework assignments over the weekend. I really have to get myself more focused because I feel like I'm falling behind a little in my walk with God and that's not a good thing.:o( I thank God for people who keep me encouraged and help me in any way they can. This week I had something happen to me that was truly a blessing. I was just getting out of my Evangelism class and was heading back to Main Campus. Boy is it a long walk from Campus North! lol Anyway, I'm walking back and this guy suddenly pulls up and says "you need a ride?" and I'm like "Yes! Thank you." We got to introduce ourselves. His name is Mike and he's a sophmore. His major is Biblical Studies. It's amazing what you find out about a person when you're just meeting them and getting to know them.

When I first came to Liberty, I didn't really know how much people can be a blessing to you. I'm quite sure that when I graduate from Liberty, I'll always look back on it as the most spiritual, compelling and greatest experience in my time of living. I talked to my friend Aaron tonight about the fact that he's graduating this semester. He's a little scared about the fact that he's leaving Liberty but I have no doubt in my mind about him doing well in whatever he plans to do. I'll always keep my dear friends (including Aaron) in my prayers every day and hold their friendships close to my heart. I hope Josh is reading my blogs. I haven't heard anything from him lately so I hope he's doing all right. He wrote in one of his blogs that he plans to retire when he's 26. I guess we'll be looking at a very successful human being in the next few months. I'll be looking forward to that.:o) Well, it's 1:43 and I'm writing on my blog when I should be asleep. What the freakin' heck is wrong with me?! Oops, nothing is wrong with me. I'm just letting my creative juices flow, that's all. I didn't know I could be such a good journal writer. lol I'm just kidding. I'm not what you call a great writer but I love to write though. I remember one time the power of God fell on me so strong that I wrote my own version of Psalm 33:3. I don't quite remember it right now because I'm too tired. lol That's the thing I get in return for staying up late, writing out this immense blog. I would love it if people would send a reply to these but they're not emails. They are "freakin' blogs"! I got that quote from Josh. See how he inspires me? Boy, I hope he's reading this. I'm giving him as much encouragement as possible here.

Oh! I have to stop before I get ahead of myself. I just love to write! I can't help myself!!! Ok, that's it for tonight. I'll just go on "delighting myself in the Lord and He will give me the desires of my heart." Be blessed one and all. (You especially Josh, my dearest friend;o) 1:45 am

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good post Tiffany!