Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Easter vs. Resurrection

"Happy Easter!" is heard a lot around this time of year but what does it really mean? I heard from a source (my mom) that the word "easter" is the name of a Pagan goddess! I thought "what in the world?? really??" I also thought "I share the celebration of my risen Lord with a pagan goddess?! No way!" I looked in my Bible and to be totally honest, the word "easter" isn't even mentioned in there! The word "Resurrection" sure is though. Jesus said Himself in John 11:25 "..... I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:" I don't know about you but I think I'm going to wish everyone a Happy Resurrection Day instead of "Happy Easter." It seems to fit better and of course, the Bible declares it to be so. May God bless you all!!

1 comment:

Travis Davis said...

Well...that would explain the "Happy Ressurection Day" text message I got on my phone Easter morning. lol Very interesting. Thanks for bringing that concept to light. I may think twice myself from now on before I wish anyone a happy Easter. It really needs to be a "Happy Resurrection Day," because that's exactly what it is. Praise God for what He did on that cross and for conquering death by rising again. Without the resurrection, there would be no hope.