Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Conversation With Jesus About The Rising

It is such a wonder to think about
so much you've done for me
But the one thing that stands out the most
is what you went through on Calvary

You knew your time was drawing close
Yes, indeed it was coming soon
you cried out to God that night
under the big and bright full moon

"Not my will but yours be done"
you spoke out towards your Dad
then came the sound of Roman soldiers
marching on like they have gone mad!

Once Judas Iscariot pointed you out
they grabbed you and took you away
You were brought to the priests to answer questions
and what did you have to say?

When you declared boldly who you were
they cried out "blasphemy!"
then later, you took 39 stripes on your back
Oh my Lord, was this all for me?

You carried that cross all the way
to the place you were destined to go
They drove the nails in your hands and feet
Your precious blood started to flow

"It should've been me on that cross, not you
Why did you take my place?"
"Because if I hadn't done that,
your heart would stay an empty space"

They took you down from off that cross
and laid you in your grave
Then, triumphantly on the third day
you rose and now live again!

"Why did you do this for me, Jesus?
I really want to know"
"The answer is obvious," you reply
"It is because I love you so"

Written by Tiffany J. Washington; inspired by God Himself!4/6/07 - 4/8/07

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