Well, I have to say it's been a good break. Now it is coming to a close and I'll be going back to LU soon. For now, it looks like I'm not going back but I'm not going to let that discourage me. I've come to far to get to this point and I'm not about to let my guard down for anything! God told me I'm going back to school and I believe Him. I'm taking Him at His word! A good thing happened to me yesterday. I was out and about running errands and I saw this poor guy laying down on someone's home steps. This was happening as I was waiting for my bus to come. I had ordered a little something from Checker's a little while ago and they had me waiting for a long time to pick it up. When they gave me my order, they gave me an extra burger for free. I thought, "Wow! That's a blessing!" I moseyed along to my stop shortly after that. I saw that guy just laying there and I received a little tug in my spirit. God wanted me to give him the extra burger I had. I obeyed God and gave it to the man. As he was eating the burger, he just looked at me. I smiled at him. He had this sense of calm on his face. It wasn't quite a "thank you" look but you could tell that he really appreciated it. When my bus came shortly after that, I just sat there, feeling so good that I did something for someone who was less fortunate that I was. It also made me realize this: I'm blessed beyond description! I thank God for teaching me patience, love, caring for others and the sense that I am blessed and I always will be. Why? Because I have Jesus living in me! You can't get any better than that!!
Dear Lord God, I thank you so much for all you've taught me over this blessed Christmas break. I thank you for teaching me patience, love, caring for others, the fact that I am blessed and for giving me a new song to sing. You buried the words deep within my heart and that's where they will always stay no matter what happens in this glorious adventure you've given me. Life is indeed a great adventure but nothing comes closer than living life with You, my Heavenly Father. Thank You for loving me despite how much I didn't deserve it. You sent Your precious Son Jesus to die for me so I could live a life You could be proud of. A life full of abundance, service and true worship to You. I love You, Lord. Thank You for everything! In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen. (11:15 am)
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