Convocation last Friday was good as well as quite fascinating. I listened to a guy named Dr. John Avant and he talked about Christians and what they stand for. He entitled his message "Becoming Christians Again." At first I was a little puzzled about the title because I thought "Why did he call it Becoming Christians Again? What does he mean by that?" He started out with the fact that we have been given the Great Commission. We have been called by God to bring the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved, to light the world with God's glory. Dr. Avant gave a definition for the word Christian. It was defined by A. W. Tozer as "a holy rebel let loose in the world with access to the throne of God so that Satan never knows from which direction the danger will come." He also brought this quote about prayer from Billy Graham: "The most eloquent prayer is prayer through the hands that heal and bless." I started wondering; "How is my prayer life? How is my walk with God? Am I truly following the Christian standard?"
At the end of the message, he gave us three questions that we can ask ourselves to evaluate a dangerous Christ-following life: 1. Is it dangerous to Satan? In other words, is my Christ life so evident that Satan can't touch me? 2. Is it for others - not just me? Am I living life just for myself or am I living so other people can be blessed? 3. Is it risky to cost me everything but the risk? Am I willing to give it all up for God or am I holding something back? These questions I ask myself as I write this blog. I hope and pray that whoever is reading this is doing the same thing. We, as Christians, need to take a stand for what we believe in. Too many of us hide behind closed doors and let the world discourage us. I pray that as God keeps on inspiring me in my every day life, I'll do what I can to help out others and bring God all the glory.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for giving me a heart to worship and adore you. If I haven't been carrying out what you commanded me to do, please forgive me. I strive to live every day for you and do your will. I love you so much, Lord Jesus. May I never stray away from what you have to tell me. I pray this in Jesus' Name, amen. (3:17 pm)
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