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Tonight's service for Spiritual Emphasis Week was amazing!! It all started with a few worship songs and you could just feel God move. It was so evident! I felt led to fall on my knees Meredith Andrews sang the Revelation Song. It moved me to tears. Not too long after that, Dr. James McDonald started speaking. His message was entitled "God on the Throne - Picture of Holiness" and he brought up some main points that really hit home for me. Point #1; Holiness describes Separation. We need to have a fresh, heartfelt sense of God's holiness. His Glory is so indescribable that no word in the English language can explain it fully. Ezekiel had a heck of a time doing it in chapter 1. The view of God containing His holiness is lost in our churches today. We need to realize that God is holy and we are not. Point #2: Holiness Demands Caution. Isaiah 6:2-3 reads "Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3: And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." Dr. MacDonald also stated that holiness gives us a deep sense of our unworthyness. The expanse of God's holiness is so big, we cannot comprehend its true nature. We are unworthy and yet, God loves us so much. He wants to show us His glory.Point #3: Holiness Declares Glory. Revelation 4:1-11 displays how the angels and heavenly hosts declared God's Glory. We need to declare God's Glory in our everyday life. As the angels cried out holy, holy, holy, the repetition of saying holy clearly shows force and drives the point across. The Glory of God is what emminates from His presence as heat is to water. Finally, Point #4: Holiness Determines Mystery. The Lord God is a mysterious being. There is always a certain amount of mystery with Him. What we have to do is trust the mystery and keep on believing in Him. There may be something He doesn't tell us right away and we don't know what to expect, but we trust Him because He is God. After this enlightening message, Dr. MacDonald called everyone to pray and about 8 or 9 people got saved! It was so amazing! God is amazing. That's the main thing I realized that night. I'll never forget this experience I've had. It taught me this: God is Holy, full of Glory and no one can top Him! There is none like the Lord!!!Dear Jesus, thank you so much for this time spent with you. May I never forget your holiness and your mercy. Thank you Lord for the fact that I'm here at Liberty doing what you commanded me to do. You have made me an encourager, a giver, a lover of others and, most importantly, a worshipper. May I continue to worship your holy Name in spirit and in truth like you have shown me last semester. I love you so much, my Heavenly Father. Let my heart sing your praise always and forevermore. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray, amen. (12:12 pm)
Convocation last Friday was good as well as quite fascinating. I listened to a guy named Dr. John Avant and he talked about Christians and what they stand for. He entitled his message "Becoming Christians Again." At first I was a little puzzled about the title because I thought "Why did he call it Becoming Christians Again? What does he mean by that?" He started out with the fact that we have been given the Great Commission. We have been called by God to bring the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved, to light the world with God's glory. Dr. Avant gave a definition for the word Christian. It was defined by A. W. Tozer as "a holy rebel let loose in the world with access to the throne of God so that Satan never knows from which direction the danger will come." He also brought this quote about prayer from Billy Graham: "The most eloquent prayer is prayer through the hands that heal and bless." I started wondering; "How is my prayer life? How is my walk with God? Am I truly following the Christian standard?" At the end of the message, he gave us three questions that we can ask ourselves to evaluate a dangerous Christ-following life: 1. Is it dangerous to Satan? In other words, is my Christ life so evident that Satan can't touch me? 2. Is it for others - not just me? Am I living life just for myself or am I living so other people can be blessed? 3. Is it risky to cost me everything but the risk? Am I willing to give it all up for God or am I holding something back? These questions I ask myself as I write this blog. I hope and pray that whoever is reading this is doing the same thing. We, as Christians, need to take a stand for what we believe in. Too many of us hide behind closed doors and let the world discourage us. I pray that as God keeps on inspiring me in my every day life, I'll do what I can to help out others and bring God all the glory.Dear Lord, thank you so much for giving me a heart to worship and adore you. If I haven't been carrying out what you commanded me to do, please forgive me. I strive to live every day for you and do your will. I love you so much, Lord Jesus. May I never stray away from what you have to tell me. I pray this in Jesus' Name, amen. (3:17 pm)
Remember I wrote about the song that God gave me to write Christmas Day? Here's a new scoop on it. My dear friend Travis is not only helping me make it better, but he is also going to have the two of us sing it at his church one of these Sundays!! I'm so excited I could just burst! I can't wait to see what God is going to do with this. It could be the start of something really big. Something that could change my life. All I can do is wait upon the Lord and pray. I thank God for this semester. Some good things have been taking place. My classes are great, my professors are fantastic and more importantly, God is so good!! I don't know what God has planned for me this semester but I'm sure He will let me know in due time. I'll keep everyone posted. That's a promise.Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for all that's happened in the past couple of weeks. Thank you for giving me a song to sing to you, a place to live and grow and a heart for giving to others. I strive to give you my best of everything. I love you so much. I truly adore you and I hope to please you in everything I do. I pray this in Jesus Mighty Name, amen. (3:30 pm)
I can't get over how faithful God is! The last week of break and what has happened in the beginning of this week cannot be described in English words! However, I will try my best. My last week of Christmas break, it looked like I wasn't going to be able to come back to Liberty. Was I going to let that get me discouraged? Heck no! I kept on believing and kept on reminding God about what He told me. He told me Himself to get my education and He led me to Liberty. He wouldn't let me come this far to leave me now. He's not like that. I was praying for a ride back to LU, when lo and behold, my friend Richie sent me a message that was an answer to my prayers. He told me he was able to drive me back and my heart just jumped! Even though it looked like I was going back, I wasn't financially checked in yet. I went to Campus Church that following Sunday when I got back and ended up staying on campus with my RA's. That was pretty cool. When I was there at the dorm with them, I was asking them about what I should do with my stuff since it was still in the room. They got in contact with the RD and I was told that I could stay at the dorm because I was on the roster! Not only that, I was able to go to classes today! I'm still not checked in yet, but I have so much hope for what's to happen next. God is so GOOD!!! He made a way for me when it seemed there was no way. He led me down a path that was full of promise. He gave me hope for the future and granted me mercy. I'm so thankful!!! Praise the LORD!!!!Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for making a way for me to come back to LU. I knew that if I kept on believing, something wonderful would happen. I will continue to keep on believing as I search for someone who could co-sign for my loan so I can check in for this semester. I know you'll send me the right person. Thank you for so much. I love you so much and I strive to live everyday for your glory. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, amen!!! (10:45 pm)
Well, I have to say it's been a good break. Now it is coming to a close and I'll be going back to LU soon. For now, it looks like I'm not going back but I'm not going to let that discourage me. I've come to far to get to this point and I'm not about to let my guard down for anything! God told me I'm going back to school and I believe Him. I'm taking Him at His word! A good thing happened to me yesterday. I was out and about running errands and I saw this poor guy laying down on someone's home steps. This was happening as I was waiting for my bus to come. I had ordered a little something from Checker's a little while ago and they had me waiting for a long time to pick it up. When they gave me my order, they gave me an extra burger for free. I thought, "Wow! That's a blessing!" I moseyed along to my stop shortly after that. I saw that guy just laying there and I received a little tug in my spirit. God wanted me to give him the extra burger I had. I obeyed God and gave it to the man. As he was eating the burger, he just looked at me. I smiled at him. He had this sense of calm on his face. It wasn't quite a "thank you" look but you could tell that he really appreciated it. When my bus came shortly after that, I just sat there, feeling so good that I did something for someone who was less fortunate that I was. It also made me realize this: I'm blessed beyond description! I thank God for teaching me patience, love, caring for others and the sense that I am blessed and I always will be. Why? Because I have Jesus living in me! You can't get any better than that!! Dear Lord God, I thank you so much for all you've taught me over this blessed Christmas break. I thank you for teaching me patience, love, caring for others, the fact that I am blessed and for giving me a new song to sing. You buried the words deep within my heart and that's where they will always stay no matter what happens in this glorious adventure you've given me. Life is indeed a great adventure but nothing comes closer than living life with You, my Heavenly Father. Thank You for loving me despite how much I didn't deserve it. You sent Your precious Son Jesus to die for me so I could live a life You could be proud of. A life full of abundance, service and true worship to You. I love You, Lord. Thank You for everything! In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen. (11:15 am)