Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another Turning Point

This will be the shortest blog I've ever written but I'll make my point clear. I'm taking another turn on this journey I'm going on. This time, it'll just be God and me. I'm doing what I can to get back to school this upcoming semester. I know it'll probably take a miracle but I'm still believing and standing on God's word with every bit of strength within me. I've decided to do my best and let God do the rest. I'm putting it all in His hands. As it stands now, I am still in a relationship but I'm not going to be communicating for quite a while. Why? Because there are things I have to do on my own and I have to get them done without help from anyone but God. It's a hard step to take but I have to take it. I made this same attempt before and I fell through but I'm not gonna fall through this time. I'm gonna pull through and come out victorious in the end!

Dear Lord God, thank You so much for all You've done in my life. You're so awesome and I praise You just for being the Lord of my life. Whatever I've done that hasn't been pleasing to You, please forgive me and I thank You and praise You for Your forgiveness. I pray especially for this road I'm taking. Dear Father, help me to follow through and get things done. I pray also for Travis and his family. They have been such a blessing to me Jesus and I pray that You'll just bless them and keep them safe. Bless Pastor Jo and her family. Touch their lives in an abundant way, Lord. May everything that is done follow along with Your will. Thank You Jesus. I love You so much Lord God, and I want to do what's right in Your sight. In Jesus precious name I pray, amen! (11:43 am)

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