Sunday, February 12, 2006

Poem for Tonight

Seasons of Life

In life there are many seasons other than the four that we know,
and in many ways these seasons help us to learn and to grow
Seasons mark the beginning, the end, and whatever lies between
they turn the ground to white or cover it with green

Spring is the season where all change unfolds
the lily gracefully blooms with all the beauty that it holds
baby birds hatch from their eggs, all the world is new
as the grass and trees are covered with the morning dew

Summer, the next season is where all life keeps going
the peaceful rivers with gentle breezes start flowing
flowers of vibrant color start emerging; red, blue and yellow
and the dove sings her song so soft and so mellow

Falltime or Autumn is where even more change takes place
as leaves turn different colors with sincerity and grace
chills come swiftly, dashing, racing into the midnight air
and birds rush off to the south and in their flight they take great care

Last in line is Winter, in comes the falling snow
and every ray of sunshine gives this season a lovely glow
bears hibernate in their caves, all the world is asleep
as they await next spring without a whisper or a peep

Not only are these seasons here to help us along the way
but there are also other seasons that we face every day
seasons of joy, seasons of thanks, maybe even sorrow or pain
but the thing that really matters is what did we gain?

What is it that we learned from those times we made a mistake?
or was it something that we took and it wasn't ours to take?
did we try and help someone when they were about to fall?
did we stop and listen to hear someone's distressful call?

As we go through these seasons, let's stop and think about
what God wants us to do instead of grieve or doubt
He wants us to share His Love with others, you know?
and as we keep doing that, by and by we will grow

Then we'll reach that season that we've all been waiting for
that season where we won't have to put in so much effort anymore
When God takes us Home, that will be the glorious day
when we can look up to our Heavenly Father and hear Him say....


written by Tiffany Washington, inspired by God


journeyman said...

you write amazingly well.....i dont know why but your poem also brought in a dejavu of a old and perhaps forgotten poem..."Even this will pass away". The theme is similar i guess, things they come, they grow and they go.
thanks for those kind words and the visit to my blog.
and u know what "God bless you".

journeyman said...

well thnx for reading the blog tiffany...i think u r a great girl with a big heart to pray for pray for me that god showers his love and care to me in all forms and i pray for you that you find great friends who understand you and love and care for you...have a great life...