Here's a question for you: do you believe friendships can change your life? Let me give you my answer to that. Yes, I believe friendships can change your life. I believe great things can happen in a friendship. I have living proof of a friendship that has definitely changed my life in quite a dramatic way. The friendship I have with Travis has been quite an adventure for me. It's unlike any other friendship I've had with anyone else. It all started when I first met him. We both attended Liberty University the same year: fall of 2004. We had the same GNED class, but we didn't really know each other then. My second semester after my year-long break we were in University Chorale and got to know each other a bit more. We had lunch together here and there. I suppose it was a casual friendship/acquaintence at the time. When my third semester came along, that was when things really changed. This time, he and I found out that I was part of his sisterdorm. Isn't that something?! Also, we were both in Worship 101 class and TRBC choir. His Celebration Choir joined in with TRBC where we did the Living Christmas Tree performance. At that time, Travis and I would drive together to dinner and rehearsals as well as performance nights. During that time, we grew so close to each other. That was when we became very close friends...so close, it's crazy! I don't think I've been that close to anyone outside my family as I am close to him. He tells me I grew on him. (laughs) I couldn't argue with that. Ever since I left Liberty, I've missed him a lot. I didn't even get to hug him before I left. :( That will change though. I'm making plans to go down to Lynchburg for a few days to get some of my clothes and other things from my friend Salvador's house. Travis and I plan to spend a little time together while I'm down there. :) I can't wait for that to happen. We'll wait and see how this turns out. I have no doubt it'll turn out well. I tell you, I didn't know what was going to happen when I met Travis. If God meant to surprise me, boy did He ever! There's so much Travis does for me; he lifts me up when I'm down, he encourages me so much, he makes me laugh (especially at myself sometimes, lol), and he sticks with me through my hard times. I don't think I could ask God for a better friend. Well, of course there's Jesus. He's there for me all the time. :) Well, that's my description of a friendship that has changed my life.
To Travis: Well, you wanted to know how our friendship has been something for me. I was telling you I'd save it for our next conversation, but evidently, I wrote an entire blog about it. lol I have no doubt this will answer any questions you might've had for me. You truly are amazing, my dear friend. I'm so glad God has brought you into my life. I can't wait to see what happens next on this road of life I travel. Who would've thought? Did you see this coming? Because I sure didn't. You told me you wouldn't change a thing concerning our friendship. Believe me, I wouldn't either. Be blessed and I hope you're feeling better today. I'm still praying for you.:)
Dear Lord, thank you so much for everything. You are such an awesome God. Thank you for giving me talent that I can use to glorify you. Thank you for putting me on this earth to give encouragement to others when they need it. I can only do so much. You are the Great Encourager. Thank you for the great friendship I share with Travis. Keep on blessing him, Lord. Give him strength to do what he needs to do. I thank you for your heavenly angels surrounding him and protecting him wherever he goes. Bless his family, Lord Jesus. Keep them safe and secure. I thank you also for the church building they've moved into last December. I pray for great things to happen in that church. Thank you, Lord. Thank you for blessing me as you have this past Sunday. I pray for so much to happen in this church that has designated me to play keyboard for them. May you work through me as I play. May your presence just fall on me and flow out through me. Thank you so much for everything! You truly are my Inspiration. I love you so much, Jesus. In your Mighty Name I pray, amen. (3:22 pm)
1 comment:
Yeah, Tiffany, I do believe friendships can change your life. I feel blessed that God chose me to touch your life in ways I probably don't even realize. I'm also amazed at how God has used you to touch my life as well. You have truly been a blessing. But I think the greatest Friend that I have is a true testament to how a friendship can really change lives. This Friend loved me so much that he died on the cross for me. He has truly changed my life in so many ways. And I am truly thankful to my Savior for using friends like yourself to remind me of just how awesome He is. God bless you, Tiffany, and keep up the great writing!!
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