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I'm going back to Liberty......YAY!!!!
Well, it seems I'm going back to college finally. Why do I say "finally" you ask? Well, my first semester was fall of 2004 and I haven't been back since because of financial troubles. When I wanted to come back after Christmas break, I wasn't able to pay the rest of my tuition in time. Then came fall semester of 2005. Guess what happened: financial aid didn't kick in! (sighs) Well, all that's over now and I'm coming back with full force this Spring semester. Spring is the season where everything starts out fresh and new. I'm going to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ" and diligently seek God in everything I do. (Philippians 3:14)
One of my favorite courses to take while I was there before was GNED 101. I'm taking 102 this semester with my favorite GNED professor Lee Gibson. Here's a picture of the two of us during Super Conference 2005. Not bad, right? lol
I got a D in the class but I'm sure I'll do better this time. I know the basics now. No, I'm not afraid to admit what kind of grades I got my previous time there. I'm just looking back on them as a learning experience and another step forward. I can't wait to make a brand new start when I come back. I wasn't sure what to do then. You could say I didn't have all my bearings at the time. I was a homeschooler all my life and I was never in a REAL classroom. I know what to do now though.:o) To all my friends out there; please encourage me as much as you can. I could sure use it! lol I need all the prayers and words of encouragement I can get. To my friend Josh Killingsworth; thanks for inspiring me to get my own blogspot together! It really helps me get my writing on track. I have to write more often. Thanks Josh!! I wonder what will happen when I graduate. A really great job? A successful career? An entrepenuership? All of the above? I sure hope so!!:o) Hmm... did I spell that word right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I sure do appreciate it. God bless you all!
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