Today was a good day thus far. I asked my friend Josh the other day if he could take me over to Thomas Road this Sunday. I was so glad he was able to do it. We went to Sunday school first. This was also known as H.J.'s group. I didn't really get to meet H.J but he's a pretty cool person and so on fire for God. I got to meet a few people just before school started. I met a girl named Kim who had a boyfriend named Tim. Sounds like they're made for each other. Their names have a nice ring to it. lol Well, the service started with some praise and worship songs. We sang songs I haven't heard in a long time. One was called "Sweep Me Away". I really got into worshipping God with that one. Later in the service, I got to know about a girl named Laura Jahnks who has been attacked with the horrible disease called cancer. I heard about how God is using her and it just touched my heart. They were taking up an offering for her. I decided to give $20 because I just had such a heart for her and I felt that it would help her a lot. I prayed over the offering with much sincerity and then gave it. I felt so good inside. It was like this wonderfully warm feeling enraptured me.
Well, we got into the message after that. The title was called "Life Lessons for Zombies". I thought that was kind of a strange name at first but then I listened to the message. We went over Matthew 5 in our study and the Word just came to life as I read along with the group. Verse 4 said: "Blessed are those who mourn: for they shall be comforted." The point of that was this: we weep when we know what imperfections we have and what sins we have committed. It shows God that we are willing to change and turn from our wicked ways to follow after Him. Verse 6 said this: "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." I got so much out of that verse. You know how we are so after food and drink? Like we just gotta have it or we'll die. "Oh! I'm starving! Let's go grab some lunch." "What sounds good to you?" Even when we're doing things like working out... "Boy am I thirsty! Let me at that drinking fountain!" We have to be the same way when it comes to spending time with God and getting to know Him. We have to be rushing to get into His Word and drink the Living Water. That message made me realize something very important: I really need to get closer to God. I wrote this in one of my blog entries before but it really relates to what I'm talking about today. Matthew 6:33 says: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you." We have to have that drive or force of energy to seek after God. That's what I discovered today. I have such a desire to be with Him now, at this very moment. I know He's always here with me wherever I go but I don't always realize it. Well, I think I'm all out of things to say so I'll be signing off for now. Be blessed one and all.:o)
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
What a great night!:o)
Well, this has been a night to remember. I went with my SLDs and a quite a few of the girls on my hall to dinner. Ah yes, dinner at th rot. How exciting! lol Then we went to a place where they take care of kids who need love and attention. I wish I could remember the name of the place. I know it's a house and this person named Nathan is one of the leaders in this organization. It was an amazing night of piggy back rides, wrestling, hair styling and learning lessons. These kids are so bright and smart. They really love to have fun and they take the energy out of you! lol I went upstairs when we first came in and I saw a few guys with some of the kids. They were just wrestling the night away! I was a little skeptical about it at first because it looked really rough and I didn't know how much I could stand so I left the "ring" for a while. Then I came back up later and was pretty tempted to do it so I got into it. I was knocked for a loop quite a few times but I had fun. Next time we come, I'm going to have Joquan (one of the kids) team up with me. We're gonna get on Randall. I met him for the first time tonight. Pretty cool guy.:o) Really rough too. lol
Later I was dropped off at the gym over at Campus North. I went on a cycle and then the treadmill. I liked the treadmill most of all but I think I really need to get in shape. lol Later, I walked over to the part where they have all the tv's, games and stuff. I saw some people playing on this pad that had arrows on it. You're moving to music as you step on the arrows as they fly up to the top of the screen. I tried it a few times. I got to be pretty good on the beginner's level. Every other speed was too fast for me. The ones that owned the game gave me a ride home. I can't believe I forgot their names!! Oh well, when I next see them, I'll ask them again. I didn't come back to my dorm 'til 11:30 or so. I had so much fun that time just flew by. I have to get to bed before I go out of my mind. It's great how much I can write on here. This wasn't what you call a vital blog of things I need to do in life. It's just a simple recording of the great time I had tonight. It is now 3:04 in the morning. Well, good night to those of you who are reading this and may God bless you all.:o)
Later I was dropped off at the gym over at Campus North. I went on a cycle and then the treadmill. I liked the treadmill most of all but I think I really need to get in shape. lol Later, I walked over to the part where they have all the tv's, games and stuff. I saw some people playing on this pad that had arrows on it. You're moving to music as you step on the arrows as they fly up to the top of the screen. I tried it a few times. I got to be pretty good on the beginner's level. Every other speed was too fast for me. The ones that owned the game gave me a ride home. I can't believe I forgot their names!! Oh well, when I next see them, I'll ask them again. I didn't come back to my dorm 'til 11:30 or so. I had so much fun that time just flew by. I have to get to bed before I go out of my mind. It's great how much I can write on here. This wasn't what you call a vital blog of things I need to do in life. It's just a simple recording of the great time I had tonight. It is now 3:04 in the morning. Well, good night to those of you who are reading this and may God bless you all.:o)
The ball goes up and down......
Well, my classes are done for the day and it's time to go back to the dorm soon. I don't know whether to be glad about it or fret about it because I like doing class projects and this particular one came to an end. We'll see later what it does to my grade. I'm visualizing now this ball that keeps going up and down...just up and down. You know the term "drop the ball" right? Well, it seems this visualization is me trying to keep the ball up as much as possible but some little thing gets in the way like socializing, sending emails, facebook, facebook......yes, facebook takes up a lot of my time. I was just on it a few minutes ago adding a new friend to my list. I love how more people want to be my friend and I like the incredible feeling I get when someone writes on my wall or sends me a message but is it really worth it all??
It should be God who should be on my throne. I heard Rob Jackson speak at Campus Church this past Wednesday about that very topic and it pretty much opened my eyes to things but I ask myself, "did I really take it in as much as I should have?" I really have to focus on what matters when it comes to spending time with God, doing my schoolwork and helping out friends. Matthew 6:33 comes to mind here: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." That's an amazing scripture. I know I'm not perfect....hold it a second. Another thing comes to mind here; I heard that "perfect" simply means "mature." I need to have that kind of maturity if I'm to make it in life. I'm a child of God, was born in sin but made brand new because of Jesus' blood that was shed for me. I have to start showing that in my everyday life. I intend to show my love for God in everything I do whether it be schoolwork, prayer time or encouraging others. Dear God, may Your heavenly Light shine upon me as I keep on seeking after You and Your righteousness. Thank You Lord for Your Son Jesus. Thank You for everything! In Your Name I pray, amen.
It should be God who should be on my throne. I heard Rob Jackson speak at Campus Church this past Wednesday about that very topic and it pretty much opened my eyes to things but I ask myself, "did I really take it in as much as I should have?" I really have to focus on what matters when it comes to spending time with God, doing my schoolwork and helping out friends. Matthew 6:33 comes to mind here: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." That's an amazing scripture. I know I'm not perfect....hold it a second. Another thing comes to mind here; I heard that "perfect" simply means "mature." I need to have that kind of maturity if I'm to make it in life. I'm a child of God, was born in sin but made brand new because of Jesus' blood that was shed for me. I have to start showing that in my everyday life. I intend to show my love for God in everything I do whether it be schoolwork, prayer time or encouraging others. Dear God, may Your heavenly Light shine upon me as I keep on seeking after You and Your righteousness. Thank You Lord for Your Son Jesus. Thank You for everything! In Your Name I pray, amen.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Oh what a week:o)
Well, I got one more day of class and then I'll do homework assignments over the weekend. I really have to get myself more focused because I feel like I'm falling behind a little in my walk with God and that's not a good thing.:o( I thank God for people who keep me encouraged and help me in any way they can. This week I had something happen to me that was truly a blessing. I was just getting out of my Evangelism class and was heading back to Main Campus. Boy is it a long walk from Campus North! lol Anyway, I'm walking back and this guy suddenly pulls up and says "you need a ride?" and I'm like "Yes! Thank you." We got to introduce ourselves. His name is Mike and he's a sophmore. His major is Biblical Studies. It's amazing what you find out about a person when you're just meeting them and getting to know them.
When I first came to Liberty, I didn't really know how much people can be a blessing to you. I'm quite sure that when I graduate from Liberty, I'll always look back on it as the most spiritual, compelling and greatest experience in my time of living. I talked to my friend Aaron tonight about the fact that he's graduating this semester. He's a little scared about the fact that he's leaving Liberty but I have no doubt in my mind about him doing well in whatever he plans to do. I'll always keep my dear friends (including Aaron) in my prayers every day and hold their friendships close to my heart. I hope Josh is reading my blogs. I haven't heard anything from him lately so I hope he's doing all right. He wrote in one of his blogs that he plans to retire when he's 26. I guess we'll be looking at a very successful human being in the next few months. I'll be looking forward to that.:o) Well, it's 1:43 and I'm writing on my blog when I should be asleep. What the freakin' heck is wrong with me?! Oops, nothing is wrong with me. I'm just letting my creative juices flow, that's all. I didn't know I could be such a good journal writer. lol I'm just kidding. I'm not what you call a great writer but I love to write though. I remember one time the power of God fell on me so strong that I wrote my own version of Psalm 33:3. I don't quite remember it right now because I'm too tired. lol That's the thing I get in return for staying up late, writing out this immense blog. I would love it if people would send a reply to these but they're not emails. They are "freakin' blogs"! I got that quote from Josh. See how he inspires me? Boy, I hope he's reading this. I'm giving him as much encouragement as possible here.
Oh! I have to stop before I get ahead of myself. I just love to write! I can't help myself!!! Ok, that's it for tonight. I'll just go on "delighting myself in the Lord and He will give me the desires of my heart." Be blessed one and all. (You especially Josh, my dearest friend;o) 1:45 am
When I first came to Liberty, I didn't really know how much people can be a blessing to you. I'm quite sure that when I graduate from Liberty, I'll always look back on it as the most spiritual, compelling and greatest experience in my time of living. I talked to my friend Aaron tonight about the fact that he's graduating this semester. He's a little scared about the fact that he's leaving Liberty but I have no doubt in my mind about him doing well in whatever he plans to do. I'll always keep my dear friends (including Aaron) in my prayers every day and hold their friendships close to my heart. I hope Josh is reading my blogs. I haven't heard anything from him lately so I hope he's doing all right. He wrote in one of his blogs that he plans to retire when he's 26. I guess we'll be looking at a very successful human being in the next few months. I'll be looking forward to that.:o) Well, it's 1:43 and I'm writing on my blog when I should be asleep. What the freakin' heck is wrong with me?! Oops, nothing is wrong with me. I'm just letting my creative juices flow, that's all. I didn't know I could be such a good journal writer. lol I'm just kidding. I'm not what you call a great writer but I love to write though. I remember one time the power of God fell on me so strong that I wrote my own version of Psalm 33:3. I don't quite remember it right now because I'm too tired. lol That's the thing I get in return for staying up late, writing out this immense blog. I would love it if people would send a reply to these but they're not emails. They are "freakin' blogs"! I got that quote from Josh. See how he inspires me? Boy, I hope he's reading this. I'm giving him as much encouragement as possible here.
Oh! I have to stop before I get ahead of myself. I just love to write! I can't help myself!!! Ok, that's it for tonight. I'll just go on "delighting myself in the Lord and He will give me the desires of my heart." Be blessed one and all. (You especially Josh, my dearest friend;o) 1:45 am
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I'm here! I've come home! lol It feel so good to be back in a place where people care about me and love me for who I am. I've gone to two classes today and I have two more to go. I have University Chorale and English 100. English is my latest class of the day. It doesn't end 'til 6:05 at night! It looks like I'll be heading off to dinner kinda late but that's ok.:o) I saw some of my friends and met new ones. It was about 10:10 or so in the morning and I just finished my Evangelism class with Clyde Billingsley. (such a sweet person!) I know I have a long walk ahead of me so I start out leaving Ericsson. I'm just up the road when someone suddenly pulls over and asks me if I need a ride. That was such a blessing! The guy's name is Mike. He's a sophmore and Biblical Studies is his major. It was so nice of him to give me a ride back to DeMoss Hall. I will definitely keep him in my prayers. We're all college students trying to make it in life and we need to keep each other accountable. I just remembered! I have to head off to University Chorale right now! I'll add more on this blog later. (signing off for now)
Ok, I'm back. I had a good choir practice and good English class. I'll be heading back to my dorm soon to rest a little and get ready to go to dinner. It's great to be in such a wonderful university such as this one. I sure hope I run into my friend Josh soon. I REALLY want to give him his donuts!!!! I went through all the trouble to bring them with me and I wrapped each and every one into a Ziploc bag! He'd better hurry up and get 'em! lol I like him as a great friend but he really has to step on it when I bring him donuts! Ok, I'd better stop before I get ahead of myself. More real hard core stuff will come later. I promise. (signing off now)
Ok, I'm back. I had a good choir practice and good English class. I'll be heading back to my dorm soon to rest a little and get ready to go to dinner. It's great to be in such a wonderful university such as this one. I sure hope I run into my friend Josh soon. I REALLY want to give him his donuts!!!! I went through all the trouble to bring them with me and I wrapped each and every one into a Ziploc bag! He'd better hurry up and get 'em! lol I like him as a great friend but he really has to step on it when I bring him donuts! Ok, I'd better stop before I get ahead of myself. More real hard core stuff will come later. I promise. (signing off now)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Well, I'm making another attempt to go back to Virginia. Why didn't I go earlier this week? Because I was getting over this bad cold. It was terrible but I thank God for my healing. I missed a couple of classes but I'll do my very best when I actually attend class this upcoming week. (sighs) There's just so much that's about to go on in my life, I just feel it. I know God is going to do something so great in my life and truly bless me in everything I do. I'm thinking about a song by one of my favorite group the Newsboys. The chorus part goes; "turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the Light of His Glory and Grace." Now I'm thinking about how so many parts of Christian culture turned into the world's ways. In our Christian music, we have different genres like Rock, Pop, Rap and we all put Christian in front of those genres. I won't lie though, I like a lot of that kind of music but it's so sad that we turned our ways to the world. It says in the Bible that we are " the world but not OF the world." I put a hard knock on the word "of" because it looks like many of us who are Christian think we are OF the world!
There are so many things that are of the world that some people just don't realize. There are the Harry Potter books, Furby toys, beanie babies, Tickle-me-Elmo........ there are quite a few others but I can't think of them right now. Harry Potter is a good example of a thing of the world because I've heard some stories about how some people use those books and do real witchcraft!! That is not such a good thing.:o( I feel very saddened by that because some of my friends read those books and I know what's in them even though I haven't read them myself. I watch this program called The 700 Club. They give you Christian guidelines, Biblical worldviews, what's really happening in the world, Christian political views, stuff like that. My mom watches that show a lot and I sometimes watch it with her. During a certain part of the program, they have prayer time. That's when they read people's praises and prayer requests. They then start praying and get words of knowledge. Those are words from God about something that's happening or is about to happen to a person who has maybe a body problem and they receive their healing. Wow! It's amazing how one thing can lead to another when you're writing. I guess that's one of the things I'll face.
Anyway, I know I can't tell my friends what I know about Harry Potter because they might not believe me or will think I'm evil for thinking that way about the books but I know what I can do for them and that's pray for them as well as give them a good example. I want my life to be a complete reflection of God's Love. I want God's Grace to shine throughout my whole being. I know I'll always like listening to music by Newsboys and looking at movies like Spiderman but I'll know who to give first-place to in my life and that's my loving Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ my Brother and Friend, Thank You for being so faithful, righteous and true. You truly are my Main Inspiration and my Sweetest Blessing. I think I'll start writing a song about that. Thank You again, my Dear Jesus. See how the Lord can bless you when you're in a quiet spot just writing your heart out? It's so amazing and envigorating! Be blessed one and all.
There are so many things that are of the world that some people just don't realize. There are the Harry Potter books, Furby toys, beanie babies, Tickle-me-Elmo........ there are quite a few others but I can't think of them right now. Harry Potter is a good example of a thing of the world because I've heard some stories about how some people use those books and do real witchcraft!! That is not such a good thing.:o( I feel very saddened by that because some of my friends read those books and I know what's in them even though I haven't read them myself. I watch this program called The 700 Club. They give you Christian guidelines, Biblical worldviews, what's really happening in the world, Christian political views, stuff like that. My mom watches that show a lot and I sometimes watch it with her. During a certain part of the program, they have prayer time. That's when they read people's praises and prayer requests. They then start praying and get words of knowledge. Those are words from God about something that's happening or is about to happen to a person who has maybe a body problem and they receive their healing. Wow! It's amazing how one thing can lead to another when you're writing. I guess that's one of the things I'll face.
Anyway, I know I can't tell my friends what I know about Harry Potter because they might not believe me or will think I'm evil for thinking that way about the books but I know what I can do for them and that's pray for them as well as give them a good example. I want my life to be a complete reflection of God's Love. I want God's Grace to shine throughout my whole being. I know I'll always like listening to music by Newsboys and looking at movies like Spiderman but I'll know who to give first-place to in my life and that's my loving Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ my Brother and Friend, Thank You for being so faithful, righteous and true. You truly are my Main Inspiration and my Sweetest Blessing. I think I'll start writing a song about that. Thank You again, my Dear Jesus. See how the Lord can bless you when you're in a quiet spot just writing your heart out? It's so amazing and envigorating! Be blessed one and all.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I'm going back to Liberty......YAY!!!!
Well, it seems I'm going back to college finally. Why do I say "finally" you ask? Well, my first semester was fall of 2004 and I haven't been back since because of financial troubles. When I wanted to come back after Christmas break, I wasn't able to pay the rest of my tuition in time. Then came fall semester of 2005. Guess what happened: financial aid didn't kick in! (sighs) Well, all that's over now and I'm coming back with full force this Spring semester. Spring is the season where everything starts out fresh and new. I'm going to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ" and diligently seek God in everything I do. (Philippians 3:14)
One of my favorite courses to take while I was there before was GNED 101. I'm taking 102 this semester with my favorite GNED professor Lee Gibson. Here's a picture of the two of us during Super Conference 2005. Not bad, right? lol
I got a D in the class but I'm sure I'll do better this time. I know the basics now. No, I'm not afraid to admit what kind of grades I got my previous time there. I'm just looking back on them as a learning experience and another step forward. I can't wait to make a brand new start when I come back. I wasn't sure what to do then. You could say I didn't have all my bearings at the time. I was a homeschooler all my life and I was never in a REAL classroom. I know what to do now though.:o) To all my friends out there; please encourage me as much as you can. I could sure use it! lol I need all the prayers and words of encouragement I can get. To my friend Josh Killingsworth; thanks for inspiring me to get my own blogspot together! It really helps me get my writing on track. I have to write more often. Thanks Josh!! I wonder what will happen when I graduate. A really great job? A successful career? An entrepenuership? All of the above? I sure hope so!!:o) Hmm... did I spell that word right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I sure do appreciate it. God bless you all!
One of my favorite courses to take while I was there before was GNED 101. I'm taking 102 this semester with my favorite GNED professor Lee Gibson. Here's a picture of the two of us during Super Conference 2005. Not bad, right? lol

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