Well, I have to say my Christmas break has been going quite well so far. I have a job at Dunkin' Donuts, I'm enjoying being home with my family and the most amazing thing happened to me. I wrote a new praise and worship song!! I was in the bathroom at my house flipping through radio stations. I stumbled across Q-102 which was a rap station in our area. I was going to turn it off when I suddenly heard this song that used really pretty chord progressions. It was near the end of the song but I just stayed there and hummed along with it. I thought that was one of the prettiest sounds I've ever heard! All of the sudden, my mind reeled, my thoughts took flight and I ran down the stairs to get my brother David's keyboard. After a few minutes of muddling through, I found the chords. I started writing words to go with what I played. It all seemed to fit so perfectly together! I wrote this song on Christmas Day and finished writing it the day after. Is that God or what?! After writing it, I entitled the song "We Live To Praise Your Name." I thank God so much for giving me the inspiration once again to write something that gives glory to His Mighty and Matchless Name. Who knows? This could be the start of something big, something wonderful, something I never thought could or would happen! I'm really excited about this. I feel like God has lifted me and I'm now soaring into the heavenlies! I can't wait to share this song with my friends when I get back to school.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for blessing me with a heart of worship. I've been created to worship and adore you. I thank you for calling me into the field of worship. There's so much that can happen as I keep on learning about the aspects of music and what it really means to worship you in spirit and in truth. May this song that I wrote bless others as much as it has blessed me when I wrote it and practiced it. I love you so much, my Heavenly Father. Please keep the inspiration coming. Don't let it stop for one minute. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, amen. (1:20 pm)