Saturday, December 31, 2005

What is it with "astrological signs"??

Hello there. I was just updating my profile a little bit and they put up that my "astrological sign" is virgo. What the heck is a virgo?? It doesn't mean anything to me. A lot of people (including Christians unfortunately) think that if they read about something with what they call their "sign" attached to it, they'll honestly think that it's what their supposed to do. Who can believe that?? Christians have to realize this; not only does God know a lot about us but so does Satan himself! That demon is the one who can distract us from taking the path that God has laid down for us to follow. Sure it sounds like something you're interested in. Yes, it looks right BUT IT'S NOT!!! Horoscopes and astrological signs are ways the devil can get us off track and we shouldn't let him!!

I'm not just saying this to be heady about what I know. I'm saying this because it's the truth! If you want to follow a path, choose God's path. Read the Bible, take good notes at church, be a good example to others, listen to what God has to say to you. We're supposed to keep the Word of God in our hearts and our minds. We have to meditate on His Word daily. We have to stop following the "signs" and start following God. If anyone disagrees with what I'm saying, I don't have any hard feelings against you. I still love you with the love of God and you're in my prayers. May God bless you all. If you have any comments, email me.

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