My assistant pastor read from Hebrews 10 (the whole chapter) and he illustrated very well on how it all ties together. He spoke on how in Old Testament days, they would use the blood of bulls, goats and sheep as sacrifices to the Lord for their sins every year (Heb. 10:1-6). Later it was in prophecy that the Lamb of God (Jesus) would come and sacrifice Himself "once for all," (vs. 10:10). Through His precious sacrifice, we are sanctified and called the children of God! Praise the Lord! Because of this, "the just shall live by faith" (vs. 38). I am called the just! There is no reason to feel down in the dumps! I shouldn't complain and mope because I am in a certain place and I want to be somewhere else. Jesus didn't complain when He was whipped, beaten and crucified! He went through it all so I could live in faith knowing that He is on my side! If I go on every day remembering this principle, I'll have all the confidence and strength I need to make it. That's true for all of us, I'm sure. I am making a declaration: I won't be sad or aching because I'm not where I want to be - I'll just keep the faith and know that God will bring me to where He wants me to be in His time.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for this awesome Word You've brought before me. I confess, I've been wrong in how I've been thinking lately. I've forgotten to put You first before everything and everyone and I truly and honestly repent of it. Thank You so much Lord for Your forgiveness. I pray Father God that I'll keep an open mind and be strong in faith. Thank You Lord for my family and my friends. Bless them and keep them safe. Thank You so much for my dear boyfriend Travis as well as his family. Wrap Your loving arms around them and bless them, I pray. Thank You for Your angels surrounding and protecting them. I also pray for my relationship with Travis. May we keep on being strong in faith and in truth as we keep on reading and meditating on the Word. No matter how far apart we are, we're always close because You are the center of our joy. Thank You Jesus! I give Your name praise, honor and glory forevermore. In Jesus' name I pray, amen!! (12:28 am)