This might be a short one but it's very important so I'll post it up. It's so early in the morning and I'm up very wide-eyed right now. Why? Because my mom got me up. She wants me to get my devotions done (which I did a few minutes ago), get washed and dressed, get my breakfast and get to work. Early April I moved back home because of complications in the apartment I was living in and my home is not very organized. I realized when I came home, I had another chance to make it right since I didn't all this time but you know what? I still haven't followed through with it! It's so horrible, it makes me sick to my stomach. I realize now all the more that I have to get it right this time. I plan to move to North Carolina within a couple of months (that's the plan, anyway) and I have to make very sure that I don't leave anything undone. I have to do what I can when I'm here at home and if this is what it takes, then bring it on! I confess, I haven't been faithful to my mom as I should've been all along but I believe God is sending me a reminder this morning when I was basically "dragged" out of my bed today. Colossians 3:20 says: "Children, be obedient to your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord"
(NASB). I have also read that your days will be long upon the earth which the Lord your God gives you (Exodus 20:12). Do I want to live long? Do I want to make sure nothing is left undone? Of course I do! I'll admit, I was pretty upset at first when my mom woke me up this morning but I've humbled myself before God just now and I'm going to do what I can while I'm still living here. May I never stray away from this Word I have learned even more so now then before. I've heard these verses over and over growing up but they're all the more clear to me now.
Dear Lord God, please forgive me for how I've been this past month. It's been very wrong of me to be this way. I should give graditude to those who have raised me in the ways of the Lord. I give it now wholeheartedly and completely. Father God, I realize now why You have me back here at home and I make a declaration to follow through with what I'm supposed to do. Thank You Jesus for having my mom wake me up this morning. Thank You Lord for her raising me and teaching me Your ways. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her and my dad. I love them both and I want to do all I can for them now. Guide me Lord in Your ways. Teach me all I need to know. My mom has put me in Your hands and that is where I intend to stay. Direct me in the way I should go. I will not depart from it. Furthermore, I praise You for the fact that it says in Your word that when I delight myself in You, You will give me the desires of my heart. I delight myself in You now as I do what my parents tell me. Thank You Jesus! I give Your precious name praise, honor and glory forevermore. In Jesus name I pray, amen!! (7:26 am)