(sighs) A turning point has come in my journey and I'm trying to find out exactly how to go about it. So many things have happened over the past day or two and I realize now what it is I am supposed to do: move on in my life as a single for a while longer. How long that while is, I don't know right now....but I do know that God knows what is best for me and He has told me Himself that He wants me to be single for a while longer and focus on the things I need to do. One thing I can't deny or ever forget: the compassion I feel towards a certain person. I've expressed myself quite fully on the impact he had on my life. Even now I still feel it. Can't help it, I guess. I just hope and pray that he will see what I see now: if it was meant for us to be together, there would be absolutely no opposition from anyone - not my parents or his parents or anyone else. Nothing would be hidden from anyone. We wouldn't have to go behind anyone's back to communicate to one another. (shameful face) I got an email and a facebook message from him today and I'll be honest, it touched my heart to hear from him. I know deep down in my heart I don't want to let him go but with the way things are now, I have to. I don't know if this is temporary or permanent but I know that when it all comes together in God's time, we will both be very happy people: both Travis and me. And who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again sometime in the future when everything's all said and done. We'll both be finished with school and well into our careers. I see that. For now, I'll just be patient and wait on God....something I should've been doing from the beginning of all this. I didn't really do that then but I am now.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are such an awesome God. I thank You Father that we can come to You with every problem or concern we have and bring it to Your throne. Right now, I pray for Your peace to cover every area of this situation...the peace that passes all understanding. I especially pray for Travis and myself. We've come to this point where the relationship is being put to an end but we don't know for how long. I just pray Lord that You will keep us according to Your perfect will for our lives. Help me Father to realize exactly what it is You have in store for me. I'm still trying to find that out. But I know if I keep on seeking after You, I'll find You and find what Your will is for me. Thank You Lord. Watch over Travis as he goes through this time of trial. Dear Lord, I still love him very much and I have forgiven him. Help him realize that all will be well in the end...whether we both remain single or become a couple again. Thank You Lord for Your goodness and mercy. May they shower over us always. I give Your precious name praise, honor and glory forevermore. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. (4:01 pm)