This past weekend was the most special of all. I spent the weekend at Roanoke Rapids, NC with my dear friends Travis and Jessica along with their parents. It was the best weekend ever but it had to come to an end when Travis drove me back to Lynchburg today. I will write about the weekend in full when I put up my next blog because this night is turning out to be a hard night. It will be my last night here in beautiful Virginia because I am leaving for Philadelphia in the morning. I leave 6:40 am. Yes, it is early but it was the only bus I could get. I wasn't able to get one later. I pretty much spent the whole day with Travis looking around for something he could get for Jessica as a birthday present. It was fun trying to see what we could get her. I bought a card that I thought she would like. It's pretty and the message is so sweet. It sounded like something I would say to her. (smiles) Anyway, after Travis' 7:00 class got out, he drove me back to my friend's house where we hung out for an hour or so talking to Jessica and looking around on the computer. That was really fun. Yes, tonight is hard but I think tomorrow morning is going to be even harder. Travis is taking me to the bus station so we'll be saying our good-byes to each other. I feel like I'm welling up already. I was hoping I wouldn't cry for real after that dream I had, but this coming up is definitely an emotional moment for me. I'm not sure how I'll contain it all. I'll just be praying that I'll survive the little trip down to the station! (sighs) I have to keep reminding myself "God knows what He's doing. He has it all under control." Hopefully I'll be reminding myself that constantly when I leave.
Dear Lord, thank you so much for everything. Thank you for bringing me to Liberty where I got to know some very dear people that I now hold close to my heart. Watch over everyone I know and their families. Cover them with your love and grace, Father. May your light shine within each one of them so bright that others can't deny that you are the True and Living God. I love you so much, Jesus. Keep reminding me that you have a purpose for me whether it be at home, in Lynchburg or maybe even in Roanoke Rapids. I don't know what you have set up for me, but I know it will be your plan to prosper me and not to harm me. Your plan will give me a future and a hope. May I never forget that. Thank you Father God, my One True Inspiration. I am so in love with you. In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, amen. (1:20 am)